Looking for Bio-Info Guys for Helping with Perl-Begin

Shlomi Fish on 2005-04-09T19:00:43

I'm the creator and webmaster of The Perl Beginners' Site, which is a portal that collects links and resources for Perl beginners. It has a "Common Uses for Perl" section, within which there is Bio-Informatics section. However, the latter is currently empty save for a "To be filled in" notice.

I did not fill it with any interesting content, because I never did any bio-informatics work, and don't have any expertise about it. Still, I would very like to see this section filled in, because it is one area where the use of Perl is strong.

So I call upon Bio-Info workers to contact me if you're interested to contribute. I'm flexible regarding the format of the submitted content. If you're good and persistent, then I'll give you a read/write Subversion access to the site's repository. :-)

Have you tried...

Limbic Region on 2005-04-11T12:16:13



In general, The Monastery (PerlMonks) is a great resource for finding people that know what you need to know.

The bio perl mailing list is bound to turn up some subject matter experts if you don't find what you are looking for at The Monastery


Re:Have you tried...

Shlomi Fish on 2005-05-23T10:15:28

Thanks, I'll check it out.